Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Today we got to Esslingen, Germany.  The only reason we are in Esslingen is because it is about 15 miles from the Mercedes Benz Museum in Stuttgart, that we are visiting tomorrow.  When we got here we found a perfect little medieval village.  This place has beautiful half-timber buildings.  We have been to several Christmas Markets over the years but none as unique as Esslingen.  It has a real medieval feel and the merchants are selling very unique items, and it is just pretty. 

Real good hotdogs in Germany

Low cal cinnamon apple roll

Nonnie shopping for jewelry is maybe her favorite passtime

Nonnie in the toy shop

Nonnie in the pedestrian only Modern part of Esslingen


  1. What a great place to be at Christmas time!! Love your pictures!

  2. Oh my so incredibly beautiful
