Tuesday, August 25, 2015


We spent the day in Arles; another Roman City at one time.  This is the area of France called Provence.  Lots of pretty villages along the Rhone River.  The painter Van Gogh spent the last years of his life here painting many of his most important works.   

The kids in the colosseum 
They are glad to see us return

Bark of the Plantains tree

Lemon tree

Prettiest girl in Arles at the hospital where Van Gogh stayed for a while and painted

Bonnie looking for somewhere to shop

The colosseum in Arles; holds 22,000 the one in Rome holds 80,000


The arena where they have bull fights now

In the galleries under the colosseum

A pretty girl in a pretty place
The cafe where Van Gogh painted the painting below

1 comment:

  1. N&J, It's great to share your visit to Provence. Colors there are so vivid. Glad U R there. Enjoy for us all, with love, L.
