Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9th Alsace Region of France

Today we crossed over into the Alsace wine region of France.  We drove down Route des Vins d' Alsace,which runs through about 10 little wine villages.   We visited 2 of the villages; Riquewihr and Ribeaville.
Only Venice rivals these two little villages with regard for beautiful architecture for the buck.  Surrounding these villages in all directions are vineyards.  It is a beautiful part of France to drive through.  See all the pictures of our day.  We returned early to our room and had a picnic on our balcony looking at the milk cows in the valley.  See the action pics of the picnic.  Life is good.

Tomorrow we head north to the town of Sinsheim, Germany.  Sinsheim is the home base for our excursions of the next 4 days.


 This is an arrow loop in the old city wall of Riquewihr.
If you were a bad guy on the outside they could shoot you with an arrow through this hole. You would have to be a very good to shot to shoot back.
This is the wall where the arrow loop is located 

 This is the "half timber" construction used in the buildings

 The wine cellar


This is a pair of storks in a 4 foot wide nest.  When I taught Biology I showed a video every year that featured these storks that nest, every spring and summer, in France and Germany.  When their babies hatch and learn to fly, these birds fly southeast through France and Spain and cross the Straits of Gibraltar, into Africa, where they live until the following spring.  The same pair of birds will use the same nest the following spring.

Picnic on the balcony
 Nonette has kept the strawberry cartel in business for the last month.

The view from our balcony

This is an meringue torte.  That looks like an albino cow patty, but it tastes good. 

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